5 Plants for Beginners – How to Bring Life to your Rooms

Becoming a Plant parent doesn’t need to be as intimidating as it may seem. I look back and can’t imagine living in a home without any kind of greenery lingering in a corner or occupying space on a shelf. But that is how I used to live, nervous that I would waste my money due to a lack of a green thumb.

So, after some research of my own, I wanted to share my tips with you. Thank me later, because these living green guys can elevate the look of a room in two seconds flat. Not to mention, it’s shown that they make you feel better too!

Things you’ll need as a Plant mom -The basics.

Indoor Plant Suggestions:

dragon tree plant

Dragon Tree

Temp: 54’F (12’C)
Water: Sparingly
SunLight: Lighted area, out of direct sunlight

Info: Great beginner plant, can withstand dryness well.

*Dracaena can be toxic to pets if ingested.*

Mother-in-law’s Tongue

Temp: 59’F (15’C)
Water: Moderate
Sunlight: Thrives on low light and humidity.

Info: These are great for purifying the air from formaldehyde, which is common in cleaning supplies and daily use products. Bathrooms are a great location.

*Can cause GI discomfort if ingested by pets*

Aloe Vera

Temp: 54’F (12’C)
Water: Sparingly
Sunlight: Bright, Sunny area

Info: This is called the “immortal plant” Because of how easy it is to care for. Said to be able to live up to 100yrs. Great for home remedies too!

*Can be toxic to pets if ingested*


Temp: 59’F (15’C)
Water: Moderately
Sunlight: Bright, sunny area

Info: Flower only once, lives about 3-6 months. Sensitive to overwatering. Sprinkle twice a month. Water into the rosette.

*Non-toxic to pets.*

Spider Plant

Temp: 55’F (13’c)
Water: Moderately
Sunlight: Filtered Sunlight

Info: Easy to care for. Great air-purifying.

*Non-toxic to pets*

Things to Remeber:

> Plants can be toxic to cats and dogs. Make sure you do the research on what is safe for the environment you live in.

> Consider your home lighting conditions and purchase plants based on it. Will you be placing the plant near a window? Is it going in a place that’s shaded in the room? Some house plants require more lighting than others to really thrive.

> Speaking of thriving, plants need water. It’s as essential as sunlight for them. Make sure you chose ones that fit your lifestyle so you spend more time enjoying them then feeling like it’s a chore to have them.



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